Thursday, September 24, 2009


Julia did very well overnight...slept for the most part, no fever, good breathing, etc. Dr. Sood came in this morning to check on her and talked to us a bit about the staph. He said in 15 years they've only had 3 cases of a swab from surgery showing any infection. IV antibiotics were started and each case was fine, no problems after finishing the course. He also said there have been a few cases where the swabs were negative, the patient went home and infection flared up and got to the bone. But those patients were also fine after more intervention. I asked him directly..."Should we panic?" He was very surprised and said "No, why, were you panicking?" I said "YES!". He was very reassuring and said the levels were very low, it's not anything very serious, just a minor bump that will be fixed with the antibiotics.

Dr. Chugani also came and talked to Michael (unfortunately I missed him when I left to go shower and change). He strongly feels it was a contaminated sample because of some very technical factors that I won't go into because I'm not sure I fully understand them myself. :) He seemed very regretful that we have to put her through this intense antibiotic course since his gut feeling is that it's ultimately not necessary. But at least we'll know we're covering our bases and she'll be okay. I can't begin to explain the relief I feel.

She's been more awake this morning, still a little fussy but wanting to hold our hands and saying "mama" which is music to my ears. I'm hopeful that she'll start to wake up a little more as the day goes on and that by tomorrow we'll be on a steady uphill trend. Unfortunately Dr. C thinks her swelling will be worse tomorrow since that's just the way it goes.

Thanks for all the prayers and love...


Sophie's Story by Elaine said...

What a relief!!! But, yes it does suck to have to add one more thing to your list of things to do during recovery.

She sounds like she is recovering well. Day 4 post op was our big turnaround day for Sophie...where I just knew that she was going to be okay.

Helen said...

Whew! Glad to know all the docs are on the same page. We panic because we are parents - it is our job. Praying that you continue to hear those wonderful words from Julia and she has a peaceful day.

JSmith5780 said...

Big sigh of relief!

Unknown said...

sounds like really great news. I expected no less. Best to you all and as you know the cavalry is on its way. You will probably need more assistance with the help than with the patient. Sorry you have to put up with the "sisters" but is is probably best you retrieve Daniel from them before he is ruined.

Give Julia a hug for me.

Kelly said...

I am so happy to hear that! What a relief! I have been thinking about you all this week, and I will continue to send good vibes your way!

Jackson's Blog said...

Good news that they were so reassuring! Glad to hear Julia is doing better. Yes, swelling will probably get a little worse before better. I agree with 4 is when I saw Jackson start to come around and his little personality started shining through.

Hoping today is a great day!

Adesta said...

Glad to hear all is going well. Here's to a speedy and healthy recovery!

Unknown said...

Wow! What a sigh of relief. Still thinking and praying. Take care of yourself Lisa, please. Give Julia a kiss from all of her friends at school. Give puppy a pat as well.

Maude the Broad said...

So glad to hear that the docs are confident. JuJu is in the best hands (I am talking about you here!) Love you guys!

Danielle said...

Well hon...don't hate me if I hope this contamination fluke is yours! And that we're spared! :)

