Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Here it is...THE day

Julia is back in the OR, we haven't received a call yet that surgery has started but we have handed her off and now we wait. We are scared, anxious, and ready for it to be over...and at the same time hopeful and confident that she is in the best place possible for something like this.

We are so touched by the emails, comments, Facebook posts, balloons and gifts, and care packages that we have received. We can definitely feel the love. It's helped to keep us propped up and you are all here in spirit.

Will update as we know more!


Bill Hyche said...

Michael and Lisa - we love you and your beautiful children so much! We will be praying for Julia all day today - her health, her well being and her full and complete recovery.
Bill and Lenora

Unknown said...

We love you all, and are thinking about Julia every minute. Yours, Jennifer, Aaron, and Ada.

blogzilly said...

Today is going to be hard, but worth it. Thinking about Julia and her journey that lies ahead.