Friday, September 18, 2009

Here we go

We just got the call that the incision has been made and surgery is underway. There really isn't a word in the english language to describe what we're feeling. Gulp. That pretty much does it.


blogzilly said...

Hang in there.

Helen said...

The kids have a prayer circle going today. They each took an hour around the clock today to pray for their JuJu Eich and Puppy. We love you guys. Thanks for keeping us posted. It pains us not to be there.

Private Me said...

Hold on to hope, the best will come out of it.

The waiting sucks, but there is nothing we can do about that.

Cheer up, you'll have a new daughter as soon as the surgery is over, and she begins to heal.

Hold Fast.

Ronda said...

Praying for you all and for a successful surgery!

blogzilly said...

Are they doing grid placement on Julia? What procedure are they ultimately planning to perform?

Unknown said...

Jennifer, Ada, and I are thinking about Julia and all of you. Love, Aaron

Lisa said...

Yes, grid placement is today and resection will be Tuesday. Best case scenario is that it's only her left temporal lobe and possibly the parietal involved. Worst case is a sub-total hemispherectomy. The PET scan leans toward hemispherectomy but a lot of the other testing indicates a more limited area of cortical dysplasia. We'll see.

Anita said...

Hi Lisa,

This is my first time posting here.My daughter Kanak had the surgery last month in Detroit.Just wanted you to know that we will keep Julia in our prayers today.I can imagine what u are going through right now. But everything will be alright.Just hang in there.

Anita and Kanak

Twinkies2x said...

Praying praying praying. We love you all.

KC's Warrior Mama said...


This is my first time reading your blog, but I am on the IS yahoo group. I am thinking all kids of positive thoughts for your beautiful Julia today. I hope that before you know it, she is back in your arms, safe and sound.


JSmith5780 said...

Julia will be in my thoughts and prayers today.


Dawn said...

I've been where you are and I'm keeping Julia and you in my thoughts today.

Sophie's Story by Elaine said...

It brings back such vivid memories reading your posts. Are you in the actual surgical waiting room or across the hall where you can bring in food and drinks? That is where we set up camp. And then we had to go to the little bridge walkway to get cell phone reception. Oh, and we used Skype to call people while we were in the waiting room. I thought Elsa would be upset to see me but she cared less. She actually played peek-a-boo with me. It was too cute.

I hope the tick-tocks on the clock are going fast and that she is out of surgery before you know it.

She will probably look a little pale when you get to see her while they are taking her up to the ICU but by the time you get to see her in the ICU, she will have more color back.

Helen said...

If in close proximity, (when possible) I would have Michael go buy some better pillows for the stay. With what little sleep you will get, it sure would be nice to be comfortable.

Lisa said...

Elaine, we're in the main waiting room, not sure why! The other one is probably more comfortable but I've met a nice lady to talk to so it's been good. :)

Helen, great idea on buying pillows!