Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Silver Lining

After writing a post that is sure to worry the dickens out of everyone who loves Julia (and us too), I felt I owed it to everybody to share a nice moment we just had. Julia is finally sleeping although still tossing and turning a bit...during one turn, the gauze covering her head slipped off entirely. To say I freaked is an understatement. I was trying to get Michael to press the emergency button but he was pretty sure it only warranted a standard nurse phone call. Her wonderful nurse (seriously, the woman is a saint) came in with a helper and removed the wrap entirely and put on a new one. We got to see the incision and it's clean, dry, and sealed tight as a drum. There's no way she could have hurt herself. It made us both feel infinitely better. The incision is not nearly as grisly as I thought it might be either. So we're both feeling more positive and hopefully she'll get some quality sleep and not be as miserable when she wakes up.


Danielle said...

Only a seizure/surgery mom's silver lining! ;)

I'm hoping for sweet sleep...


rkortz said...

Lisa, again my heart goes out to are so strong. I'm thinking about you,Julia and your family and keeping you all in my prayers.

blogzilly said...

It's amazing how much worse our imagination makes it on us than it actually is. I remember seeing the incision site finally and actually I felt much better because in my head it was WAY worse.

Anita said...

Hi Kisa,

Dr asano had told us even if we delibrerately pulled at the wires,it would not budge anything.
Also I hope too that the seizures stop and the mapping can be completed.



Unknown said...

Hang in there, and know that so many are praying for Julia and her family. Please let us know if you need anything.

Helen said...

What a blessing to have some relief. Our imaginations do run wild and I bet you imagined her head being much more worse. Thats why the pictures are good for us who cannot be there. It eases the mind. Even though there are some parts that scare us, Julia's sweet face lets us know she is ok. Praying for a peaceful night and the right answers tomorrow.

Jackson's Blog said...

Hi Lisa~I just found Julia's blog through another blog. Our son, Jackson, had surgery almost a year ago in Detroit. The hardest part was between the two surgeries for sure! We only had 3 days of grids and it felt like forever, so I can imagine how difficult it has been for you all through the weekend without the normal staff around. Monday is around the corner now...and the team will be back. I hope Julia's seizures subside in the meantime and she is able to rest. Jackson had a lot of seizures between the two surgeries and thrashed around constantly...he was never comfortable when awake. It's so hard to watch them like that. I know you all are exhausted, but hang in will all be worth it. Your daughter is beautiful and she and your family will be in our prayers.~meghan

Maude the Broad said...

Thanks for the update, sis! So glad to hear JuJu is able to catch some zzzz's. It's also reassuring to know that time will inevitably pass and the worst is hopefully just about over. Love you all sooooo much. Thanks again for posting. We feel so grateful to get the updates on our girl. LOVE YOU!

Twinkies2x said...

You are all so strong. Praying constantly. kp

Sophie's Story by Elaine said...

Lisa...You are too sweet. In the midst of everything you are going through, you are thinking about others.

I HATE those head wraps!!! They are bad enough with normal EEGs. Sophie's would not stay on. She kept bleeding through it. It drove me nuts.

Kind of crazy but it was easier for me to see what was under the wrap in person than it is for me to go back and look at the pictures.

I am hoping she is resting comfortably now. I am hoping the meds have kicked in. I am hoping that tomorrow goes by quickly and Tuesday will be here before you know it.

By the way, Sophie had a GREAT weekend. We have definitely turned the corner in her behavioral issues and we have seen, yet another, leap in her development. I had so many moments in which I wanted to cry because I was so proud of her.

Your sweet little Julia will be there soon too.